6 But this I say, He which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully.

He which soweth

When men's hearts are opened by the Lord's truth,‭ ‬it opens their doors and their purses‭; ‬and they use their means,‭ ‬their money,‭ ‬their tongues,‭ ‬and their influence,‭ ‬to bring the truth to the very door posts of their contemporaries.

‭ The truth is expansive in its effects upon the hearts of believers. They cannot shut it up, and hide it, as it were in a napkin. It must find vent in some way; so that if they cannot plead for it publicly, or being prophets at home are without honour, they will do the best they can in conversation to make it understood, they will spare no pains and expense within their ability to procure a public testimony in its behalf, and will leave no endeavour untried to collect the people together to hear the word explained for faith and practice.

There is but one alternative for christ[adelph]ian men,‭ ‬and that is,‭ ‬either to‭ "‬go and preach the kingdom of God,‭" ‬or enable others to do it.‭ ‬There is no discharge from this duty and privilege,‭ ‬if they would be saved.

‭ If they are rich and endowed with the ability to preach not simply to talk, but to preach the truth, they are themselves bound to go out and say, "come!" and to furnish others with the means of doing so likewise: if they cannot preach, they must contribute liberally to the diffusion of the truth; for they will find when they

‭"appear at the judgment-seat of Christ,"

that he recognizes no drones,‭ ‬or misers,‭ ‬or close-fisted men,‭ ‬among the heirs of his kingdom.‭ ‬It is a flagrant absurdity to suppose,‭ ‬that such men can inherit God's kingdom,‭ ‬who during their life-time have done absolutely nothing according to their ability for the promotion of its truth.

‭ According to what a man sows so will he reap. If he sow parsimoniously, when he is able to sow liberally, his entrance into the kingdom is as certain as the passage of a camel through the eye of a needle, oppressed with a tower of merchandize upon its back.

Herald of the Kingdom and Age to Come, Mar 1851

7 Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

As he doth purpose in heart

If we are intent on working for God and not self, we shall not stand for a particular job, but take whatever comes to hand. We shall keep on doing, however humble the task. To refuse to work on the ground of dignity—to object to being a door-keeper because not elected as a presiding brother, or to hold back from giving away literature because not appointed to lecture—is to show that we have far from learned the conditions which make service acceptable either to God or man.

The traits we need to cultivate in ourselves, and to look for in those whom we wish to guide and manage our ecclesial affairs, are such as spring out of a love of the truth—a love which is engendered by studying and thinking about the truth in all its wonderful and beautiful bearings.

These traits are humility, willingness, cheerfulness, enthusiasm, patience — qualities which stand out in the character of every Bible worthy, and are infinitely more desirable than a ready tongue, or a respectable appearance.

Bro AT Jannaway.

The Christadelphian, May 1907

11 Being enriched in every thing to all bountifulness, which causeth through us thanksgiving to God.


...to serve the cause which we have espoused as the only cause among mortal men deserving whole-souled and exclusive consecration.

That cause is the cause of life against death; knowledge against ignorance; wisdom against folly; holiness against impurity; the honour of God against the impiety of men; the glorious future against the dead past and the corrupt and dying present –which, gathered into more concrete phrases, may be described as the Bible against unbelief; the true teaching thereof against the false and absurd and monstrous tenets of modern orthodoxy, consolidated in the popular religious systems of the time; the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ against the unscriptural and unsaving Gospel preached in churches, chapels, and meeting-houses."

My days and my ways 29

15 Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift.

We never tire of the fresh air and the beautiful light, or grow weary of the blue sky or the face of nature. Wholesome food is always acceptable to a healthy palate. There is something in the adaptations of things that makes these things perennial in their power to satisfy.

So it is with the things of the Spirit of God to the new man formed within us by the Truth. They are always fresh and sweet to the taste. They are always beautiful and holy and strengthening. They never grow stale or pall upon the spirits.

They are adapted to our highest desires. They alone can supply the demand of our ultimate aspirations. This is true of the mental relations of this mortal state. How much more must it be true of the Spirit state in which all earthly affinities will have been absorbed in the wonderful physical transmutation which changes this corruptible and mortal body into the incorruptible and immortal.

Seasons 2. 49