11 And Elohim said unto him, I am El Shaddai: be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall be of thee, and kings shall come out of thy loins;

A company of nations

In this renewal of the promise, the additional idea was revealed to Jacob, that the nation constituted of his descendants would contain a plurality of nations, that is, be a national association of tribes.

He was to inherit the land with them, and with the Seed, or Christ; and as he knew they were to be oppressed by another nation till four hundred years, after which that nation would be judged, and his children would come out with great wealth; this blessing at Bethel reminded him, that he would rise from the dead with Abraham, and inherit the land for ever with his Seed.

Having left Bethel, he journeyed towards Bethlehem, on the way to which Rachel died. After her death, he spread his tent beyond the tower of Edar, on Mount Zion.

From thence he came to Hebron, where his father Isaac dwelt. Twenty-nine years having elapsed after this re-union from Jacob's departure from Laban, Isaac died, having attained the age of one hundred and eighty years; and his sons., Esau and Jacob, buried him (Gen. 35:29).

Elpis Israel ii.3.2.