Waiting for God a painful part meanwhile. It never was intended to be anything else. It involves self-denial on all hands. It makes those who accept it the poor, the sorrowful, the meek, the weeping, the weary, the hungry and thirsty, the broken down, the persecuted, the defamed, the disliked, and (in past times) the killed; but the future of this class is so glorious that Jesus tells them to rejoice and be exceeding glad in the midst of their tribulations.
Theirs is the turning of weeping into laughter; theirs is the great joy of being, in the great day at hand, the manifested children of God with glory, honour, and immortality. Who would not, in view of such a coming reversal of position, choose rather to suffer affliction with the people of God than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.
Sunday Morning 69
The Christadelphian, Sept 1875