3 The earth and all the inhabitants thereof are dissolved: I bear up the pillars of it. Selah.
'...we perceive quite an array of pillars pertaining to the house, or kingdom of Elohim. They are Wisdom's pillars. They are being "hewn out." The work of hewing is not yet complete; but when the work is finished, and the pillars are all set up, or established, in their proper places, they will then constitute "her Seven Pillars." It will then be said that "Wisdom hath builded her house, and she hath hewn out her seven pillars" (Prov. ix. i.).
The wisdom that was with Yahweh "before the earth was;" and called by John "the Word that was Deity." Wisdom's house is the house of the Deity, who is "the builder of all things," commonly styled "the kingdom of God." Those who are to possess this are the "pillars of the earth," which in Psal. lxxv. 3, the Spirit in Asaph says, "I have established." This testimony is worthy of particular attention in connection with the promise to the Philadelphians.
"When I take the congregation I, by righteous ones, maisharim, will judge. The earth and all its inhabitants are dissolved; I have fixed its pillars."
In this we are pointed to the time when "the Great Congregation" of Israel, consisting of its Twelve Pillars, shall be taken possession of by the Deity, who says, he will judge "by Righteous ones;" that is, by Messiah and his Brethren, the Saints, who then constitute the Deity in corporeal manifestation -- "pillars in the Temple of my Deity."
The idea of the Deity ruling the habitable in or by others was announced by Paul to the Athenian Areopagus. He called upon the members of this body to abandon the idols and embrace the true Deity,
"because He had appointed a Day (of a thousand years) in which he will rule the habitable in justice in a man whom he hath ordained, having offered assurance to all, having raised him from among the dead."
Deity in Man the future ruler of the nations; and that man the Spirit-Man of Multitude, symbolized in Apoc. i. 13. This is a grand idea -- a multitudinous Spirit-Man, every individual member of which will have been either raised from among the dead like Jesus; or transformed, like Enoch and Elijah. This is the "One Body the Ecclesia," which is the pillar-house of Elohim; the Christ. This is the Seed of Abraham, or the Christ, that rules the world for a thousand years -- a Christ, or Anointed Body, consisting of Jesus and the Saints, every one of whom is "a pillar;" and collectively, "the temple of Deity" from which "he shall not at all go away out more."
But before this post-resurrectional state can be attained, "the earth and all its inhabitants" must be "dissolved." Its constitution, as symbolized by the beasts of Daniel and John, must be abolished. This is the work of Jachin and Boaz in the Porch, which, as we have seen, typify omnipotence in the saints in the execution of judgment. When they shall have become "victors," they will pass from the brazen into the golden state. They will then be fixed, or established, as the golden pillars of the earth under its millennial constitution.
Once a pillar in the house of wisdom in the golden state, he will "not at all go away out more" To perceive the force of these words we must remember that "the Temple of Deity" exists in two states -- the present, and the future. Paul, addressing the saints in Corinth, who were as we are, of the present, or flesh and blood, state, says to them,
"Ye are a building of Deity -- a temple of Deity, and the spirit of the Deity dwells in you."
But they have all "gone away out" of "the tabernacle in which they groaned being burdened" (2 Cor. v. 4); "the earthly house of the tabernacle," formerly the temple of Deity in Corinth, is all "dissolved;" and its constituents are all sleeping in the dust of the earth unconscious of everything.
There they lie awaiting the action of the power which shall raise them from the dead; and constitute them "a building, a house not made with hands, an AION-HOUSE in the heavens;" when they shall become pillars in this house where they will continue fixed. Death will affect them no more, and consequently, being then immortal they will "not at all go away out more."
Eureka 3.2.7.
10 All the horns of the wicked also will I cut off; but the horns of the righteous shall be exalted.
In this passage the Eternal Spirit through the prophet speaks of Messiah in the crisis of his controversy for Zion, in which as the head or chief of John's Son of Man, he puts his feet upon the necks of the kings of the earth, scatters their armies like dust before the wind, and becomes Prince or head of the nations in their stead.
But this is true also of all the other individual members of this "New Man." If the New Adam himself thus make war upon and trample in the mire the kings and armies of the Old Adam-nature, he has promised that all approved believers "in him" -- all who are Abraham's Seed by being Christ's -- that is, all the Saints shall do the same; and share with him in the fruits of his and their victory. In proof of this the reader is referred to the following testimonies:-
"The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance; he shall wash his feet in the blood of the wicked. So that a man shall say, Verily, there is a reward for the righteous; verily, there are ELOHIM ruling in the earth" (Psal. 58:10,11).
..." He shall cut off the spirit of princes; he is terrible to the kings of the earth" (76:12). "Arise, O ELOHIM, judge the earth; for thou shalt acquire possession in all the nations" (Psal. 82:8). "He will exalt the horn of his nation; the glory of all his saints; of the sons of Israel, a people near to him" (Psal. 148:14).
Now the phrase "all the saints" is comprehensive of Jesus and his Brethren, who collectively form Daniel's "Man of the One Spirit;" Paul's "New Man;" and John's "Son of Man." The same things are therefore affirmed of all, both Jesus and the faithful in him. Hence, as a body, their feet will be like hind's feet, swift in the pursuit of their enemies, whom they will overtake and destroy. These will fall before their power; and as Malachi says, they will trample them as ashes under the soles of their feet: and when they have got the victory, they will rule with Jesus as "princes in all the earth" (Psal. 45:16) -- the resurrected "ELOHIM ruling in the earth;" "the Elohim of Messiah's salvation."
Eureka 1.5.10.